Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Literally, Labor Day

My poor baby has been poked and prodded all weekend. She started vomiting Thursday night and couldn't keep anything down Friday so we trucked it to the ER at 9:00 that night. We were there with half of the kids from Central Texas. I almost decided to leave, but I'm glad we didn't because her fever shot up to 102.6 while we were there. I spent that night holding my hot daughter while the nurses put in an i.v., then she had chest x-rays, tummy x-rays, a catheter inserted, blood taken, etc. She managed to get rehyrdated while I held her and she slept. Her fever went down, all her tests were normal and we went home around 3:00 in the morning. Saturday morning, she woke up very fussy and clearly tired. The bags under her eyes were so big, it made me sad. I held her and rocked her, she fell in and out of sleep, but her fever went back up to 103.3, so we went to the Austin Regional Clinic after hours clinic. I cried while we were there. There is nothing worse than a sick baby. She couldn't tell me what was wrong so I had no idea how to make things better for her.

We waited there for a long time because the doctor wanted to get the results of the lab tests from the hospital. At this point, I had not slept at all or eaten anything so both baby and mommy felt like crap. Again, everything was normal so they think it's just a viral infection, but poor baby is still having trouble keeping stuff down. It seems as if she's getting better (no more fever!), but she's been congested for over two weeks and has a cough that I think sounds terrible. I'm at work while my mom came in town to keep her. I'm lucky that I have a mother who will drive 7 hours to keep my baby so I can go to work.

I just want her to feel better. I just want her to be well. I don't want her to throw up anymore. I want to fix everything and keep her happy, healthy, and safe.

1 comment:

  1. Oh sweet baby...Mason hasn't been sick yet, but I so dread that night. The helplessness must be overwhelming. But isn't it funny how in the moment when they are crying and so upset, you just do whatever it takes to make it better. It's not even until later that it hits you that you haven't eaten in 7 hours. You are a great mama and Mia is so very precious.
